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Opportunity Details
Pet Food Bagger
We are looking for volunteers for 1 to 2 Saturdays a month that can re-bag pet food into 1-gallon freezer bags. Each bagger will have a bin with a scoop where they will fill the freezer bag with approximately 4lbs of dog food, then reseal the bag which will be stacked on shelves or in bins by the coordinating volunteers.
Bagging starts at 9 am and lasts for 2 hours on varying Saturdays. We usually know about two weeks in advance which Saturdays it will be and give those dates to volunteers.
Bagging takes place at 139 Joerschke Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Lifting of 20 pounds is helpful but not required. We like people to show up at 9 and work until we are finished, but totally appreciate that life is busy and are happy for people to donate whatever amount of time works for them.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+
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