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Opportunity Details

February 2020 Trail Work - Scotts Flat Trail and Lakeside Trail

Join Bicyclists of Nevada County for a day of trail work on the Scotts Flat Trail and Lakeside Trail

WHEN: Sunday, February 9, 2020, 9am

WHERE: Meet at parking lot for Scotts Flat lake boat launch/campground

BRING: Gloves, water, closed toe shoes, and your favorite trail tool, lunch.

Time to work on Scotts again! Meet at the boat launch parking off Scotts Flat Rd. at 9 on Sunday morning 2/9. Tell the gate attendant you're there for the trailwork and they'll wave you through. Bring your favorite tool or use one of ours. We'll have drinks and snacks after but bring water or any other sustenance you might want until we quit around 1. And bring your bike if you want to ride after! We're gonna work rain or shine. Holler if you don't know where the boat launch is but basically just keep descending on Scotts Flat Rd. all the way to the bottom where Casci turns off to the left and the gatehouse is straight ahead. Take the first right after the gatehouse and park as close to the lake as you can get. It'll be fun as always so hope to see you there!

QUESTIONS: Email info@bonc.org

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Sports & Recreation

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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