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Organization Profile

Hospitality House


Our Mission

Hospitality House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit emergency shelter and housing provider, serving low-income and homeless residents of Nevada County. Hospitality House bridges the gap between homelessness and housing by offering shelter, housing resources, and a variety of wraparound services designed to help residents transition from homelessness to housing. Hospitality House envisions a community where accessible, permanent housing is available to all in Nevada County.

Our Vision

To empower homeless people with the tools to overcome the barriers that prevent them from securing homes. We advocate for greater community support and optimize resources dedicated to the homeless. We respect diversity and serve all individuals by providing physical, emotional and spiritual support.

Our Core Organizational Values

Home is where the hearts is. Because we all long for warmth, comfort, and safety, few losses strike more deeply into our lives than the loss of home. At Hospitality House, our hearts are with the homeless. We show compassionate behavior toward all people at all times. We work supportively with one another in a spirit of mutual appreciation for talents and abilities. We dedicate ourselves to the mission of the organization, manifesting in practical actions that turn short-and long-term goals into realities. We practice careful, sincere, and respectful listening that leads to mutual understanding, consensus building, and organizational stability. We strive for the courage and integrity to uphold the civil rights of all, even when doing so may offend those who are opposed to upholding such rights. We practice competent decision making in all areas that sustain the organization over time. We participate in extensive community involvement in a spirit of radical inclusiveness.

Housing & Homelessness
Grass Valley, CA, 95945

Common Messages